Dear Members & Friends,
Last week, as progress seems to have been made in the national fight against this disease, we wanted to recognise the hard work and sacrifice every front line worker has provided us all in this time of need. Whether an NHS worker, carer, or those keeping our supermarkets, pharmacies and delivery services open, you are the true heroes of this battle and we are indebted to you.
We decided that as a family and business, we wanted to provide some positivity, fun and the first prize of many to these amazing people. We have just announced the winner of this first competition, with a prize of dinner, bed and breakfast; Amanda McClurg was our NHS worker who has been working both in theatre & in an ICU. We cannot wait to treat you Amanda.
Unfortunately, it seems an awful individual tried to hijack our competition by creating a fake Parklands Facebook Account to announce fake winners. Our draw for this competition should have been the 7th May, but to stop this scam artist the best we could, we had to draw the winner early and delete our competition post.
Thank you to all who reported this fake page and spread the word of what they were trying to do to take advantage of our attempt to reward NHS and front line workers. Please note that this is our real Facebook page, and we have contacted Facebook to request support with this matter.
We’d lastly like to comment on what looks like the beginning of traction for a phased return to some kind of normality. We understand this will not be a quick process, but meet regularly to ensure plans are in place to safely introduce our services back to you all.
Our thoughts are with everyone fighting through this difficult period and once again thank you for your unwavering support. It truly means everything to us.
Best Wishes,
The Modlin Family