Dear Members,
Firstly let me wish you, your family and friends good health through these difficult times. I can only hope that this email finds you all well, not only physically but mentally as well. Although it is difficult, I also hope you are managing to keep both your minds and bodies as active as is possible and most importantly keeping your spirits up. We cannot let this virus get us down. Hopefully at the end of all this we will appreciate each other more and not take for granted our social liberties and the importance of social interaction.
I would also like to take this opportunity to once again thank all of you who sent such supportive messages after my previous email. It was genuinely much appreciated at a time when I was probably feeling a little down. They were very uplifting and made me realise why we do what we do.
There is nothing much to report on a daily basis. Joel, Joanna or I usually go into the place every other day to make sure all is well. It is amazing how much has to be done to keep an empty building going. The last thing we want is that when we re-open we have a mountain of maintenance issues to deal with.
When we are allowed to re-open, we want to be as organised as possible. We think this is going to be in a staged process and do not believe everything will go back to normal all at once. Reading between the lines we think that gyms will be one of the last activities to be permitted to re-open. Our thoughts at this present moment in time is that we will open the restaurant and bar area but only to a 50% capacity allowing for social distancing. We ask that you wait to be seated so that tables can be suitably organised. To allow as many members as possible to enjoy the facilities, temporarily we are going to turn the aerobics studio into a designated spin studio. This way we can distance the bikes appropriately and they will not have to be moved. The aerobics classes will be held in the sports hall and this will permit us to have 30 members in a class, once again with social distancing. Although not the ideal scenario we feel that this is the best temporary solution to allow as many members as possible to use the facilities they enjoy.
The pool, spa (and gym when permitted) areas will be opened but only to 30 – 40 people at any one time. The reason for the variation in numbers is that we will have to monitor which facilities, you the members are utilising. If it is an even spread obviously there would not be a problem but if the usage of one of the facilities e.g. gym, pool or spa was too high then there would need to be a restriction in that area. Once again we ask you to be patient and understanding especially to the staff who will be trying their best to keep everybody safe as well as happy.
As already explained when we open we will not be running at full capacity. As this is the case we will not have our full complement of staff. We will try our upmost to share the hours available to all our staff so that when we are back to normal, we will have all your favourites back in their positions. Weddings and functions that are upcoming or have been rescheduled will run as smooth as ever and we very much cannot wait to allow you to be part of something special once again.
I wish you good health and look forward to seeing you and your families again soon.
Healthy Wishes to you and your families,