Have you met Damian McD?
How well do you know the staff at Parklands? If the answer is ‘not well enough’ then prepare to get to know them a little bit better! Here is Damian, our Hotel Manager who we grabbed for some quick-fire questions!
How long have you worked at Parklands and what is your job role?
I have been at Parklands since April 2017 as the hotel manager.
What’s your favourite thing about working at Parklands?
Parklands hotel is a stunning boutique venue that offers a wide range of facilities such as a hotel, restaurant, spa and many other leisure facilities – it’s all under one roof! This enticed me to join parklands as the services that we can offer to our hotel guests are second to none and they also do not have to travel to enjoy a swim in the pool or a pamper session in our spa!
What makes Parklands different from other hotels/country clubs?
Parklands is a family owned business and in my view, the customer service that we provide is personal to all of our customers. My team always want to make our guests journey enjoyable and memorable and this has definitely been reflected in our feedback from guests. I have worked with many worldwide hotels and sometimes service is a robotic. However, at Parklands our personalities always shine through and we always aim to make our guests feel more relaxed and at home.
Any tips for someone who wants to have a career similar to yours?
A career in hospitality is not for the faint hearted, you are always kept on your toes. Being committed and working well within a team to achieve overall guest satisfaction is the most important aspect of my role. There is nothing better than knowing you have went the extra mile to make a guests stay as enjoyable as it could be – and for me, that is the most satisfying and rewarding part of my role within Parklands!