Lockdown has been tough on us all and, at this point, it is normal to be feeling drained. At Parklands, we want to remind you to schedule self-care into your everyday routine to help re-energise yourself.

Self-care isn’t selfish! Making sure you are looking after yourself is integral to keeping motivated at home and at work, and delivering the best possible version of yourself to the world. These four simple tips are a great place to start if you are feeling down:

Our lives at home can make it very easy for us to slip into solitude. Whilst it can be beneficial for us now and then to slip off the radar and enjoy some me-time, try not to make an extended habit of this. We need to stay connected in these isolating times for the sake of our wellbeing. If you find yourself feeling down, surprise a family member with a phone call or arrange a video chat with a friend.

It is important to get some form of exercise every day. We understand that it isn’t always possible due to the weather, but we recommend getting outside for some fresh air where possible. If the conditions outside make it impossible, opt for an indoor workout. The Gym at Parklands’ 25 Day Workout Challenge provides you with a quick, accessible workout to do every day.

Many of us are spending our day on a medium screen, rewarding ourselves with a large screen and taking our breaks with a small screen. Sound familiar? Spending too much time on our computers, televisions and phones can be detrimental to our mental health. If you are feeling overwhelmed by information intake, it’s time to schedule in a break. Which lead us to our next tip…

Between working at home, taking care of children and catching up on our favourite television shows, it doesn’t seem like there is enough time in the day for hobbies. In the name of self-care, try to do something enjoyable every day that DOESN’T involve a screen. Some simple examples could be reading a chapter of a book, taking a long and luxurious bubble bath or cooking a brand new and exciting recipe. We’d love to hear about what you get up to!
Make sure to LIKE us on Facebook and FOLLOW us on Instagram to stay connected with the Parklands Community. Until then, take care of yourself!